Alina elawvation 7DAYS meditation

7 Day Meditation

Get the 7-day guided meditation to radically reduce stress, improve your focus  and concentration, build resilience and elevate your life.

Join, Alina, best-selling author, lawyer, and psychologist to dive into your elevated state of practicing law.

Build your stamina and succeed under these transformational times. Understand how to manage your focus and emotions, improve the energy level of your day, learn how to breathe correctly to bring your inner peace.

These 7 days of morning guided meditation are designed based on specific techniques for lawyers. To improve the capacity of being focused on the goal of the day, feeling clarity, and strong self-esteem. These meditations have proven useful for increasing lawyers' progress in personal and professional life.

“Meditation nourishes the mind in the same way that food nourishes the body.”

I've created this series of weekly guided meditations, where the suggestions are going directly into your subconscious mind. 
From the first week, you will notice more clarity, you will feel better, achieving your daily goals without stress.
Having a clear mind, your communication will be more efficient, you will put boundaries easily and you will better manage your time. 
Have you ever gone throughout the day feeling like you can’t quite finish a thought? ‘Squirrel brain’ is perhaps my favorite way to describe it because it really does feel like your mind is all over the place?️
When your brain is foggy and you’re riddled with indecision, it’s hard to make choices that get you to where you want to be. Your inner monologue might feel overwhelming to the point where you can’t finish a thought, let alone anything on your to-do list.

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If you want to feel amazing, having a clear mind and feeling energized at work, you need to be focused. At the same time, you’ll feel that sense of relaxation and softness in your body.
Now is the time to set up your entire system for the rest of your day and week.
Being focused gives you a clear mind and a lot of energy.
Self-acceptance is without condition; it means that you accept yourself as is, flaws and all.
Self-acceptance is perhaps the best gift you can give yourself.
If you want to feel amazing for the rest of your day, having a feeling of ACCEPTANCE AND TRUST, you need to get used to accepting, loving, and respecting the differences within you and others.
Once you've opened your mind and start accepting what you cannot change, you'll instantly relieve yourself of much stress, anxiety, and worry. Remember, acceptance leads to inner peace, and inner peace leads to real freedom, happiness, and trust. 
You will feel that sense of relaxation and softness in your body. 
Now is the time to set up your entire nervous system for the rest of your day.
Self-validation is the feeling of having recognized, confirmed, or established one's own worthiness or legitimacy.
If you want to feel amazing for the rest of your day, having a feeling of self-validation, and validating others, you need the feeling of having recognized, confirmed, and gained one's own worthiness.
You will feel that sense of self-validation, recognition, and acceptance of your own thoughts, feelings, sensations, and behaviors.
Now, it is YOU time. 
Once you open your mind to self-validation, you instantly validate others too. 
Remember, self-validation means validating your thoughts, emotions, and needs.
Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind, and spirit.
Now, it's time to INCREASE your HEALTH.
Our body never lies. Feel it and be ready to enjoy your state of healthiness.
We’re going to deep dive into the theme of wellness and vitality in your day.
You will feel amazing after this meditation. 
Feeling enough is a sensation of feeling complete, even if you think you are not. That feeling that you give unconditional love to yourself. 
Now, It's time to love yourself more and more unconditionally. 
How much time do you spend comparing yourself to others? What do you think you should have at this moment in your life? What is missing?
Being ENOUGH means to feel fulfilled in a certain moment, and it also means being at peace with yourself and others.
Living in this state of certainty about yourself is the only way of stopping your inner critic. You will feel grateful for yourself and in general for your life. 
This meditation will help you to become the person you really are: worthy, lovable, safe, important for you and others, significant, seen, and heard.
 Every day, in every way, You will feel ENOUGH and you will express your uniqueness with ease, grace, and joy.
Prosperity is the state of being wealthy, a state of wellbeing, having a rich and full life. An example of prosperity is a person who is living a rich and full life with all the money and happiness he/she needs. Prosperity is flourishing, thriving, good fortune, and successful social status.
Living a rich life is living in a way where you feel full of love and happiness, and you are able to enjoy the material things in your life as you desire.
Now, It's time to increase your prosperity.
Be aware that you deserve it. After this session, you will feel that feeling, that your life is full and rich because you will become rich when you feel rich. 
It is so important to remember that you are the priority and to allow time for yourself. This is YOU time.  This every day short time for you can change your state for the rest of your day. You can do this meditation at any moment in your day. 
 “Making Contact” involves connecting with yourself and others.  Connecting with yourself means slowing down, breathing, and paying attention to your thoughts and feelings without judgment. For connecting with others, it means being able to be present to another person physically, mentally, and spiritually, as well as to yourself.
 It's time to face what you really feel.
Congratulations! After a week of meditations and affirmations, on a conscious and subconscious level, your life will surely change for the better.


I know Andreea and Alina Serban, both personally and professionally I have read their works, participated in their webinars, and learned about their views on success, satisfaction in satisfaction in the workplace and at home, wellness, and all of those things which we bundled into the phrase "work-life balance." The biggest takeaway is that they are dedicated and passionate about this mission and accomplish it by providing the roadmap to achievement in a way that is universally applicable.
eLAWvation is the vehicle through which they accomplish these important goals. Utilizing writings, presentations, and one on one personal coaching,  they are able to directly apply their recipes for success and personal satisfaction.
I continue to work with them and I recommend their work both for its professionalism in the passion that they bring to this very important and increasingly significant group of topics, especially in our new post-pandemic world.
Malcolm S. McNeil

Arent Fox LLP- Attorney at Law

Andreea and Alina’s presentation was absolutely wonderful! It was well thought out, insightful, and provided great information. I have already implemented many aspects in my everyday routine and work. They are also extremely kind and easy to work with. Anyone interested in their services will not be disappointed!


Alina and Andreea are experts in their space. The only people who can truly understand the stressful lifestyle of a lawyer are those who have lived it. The way they share information to help other lawyers navigate the industry to bring balance and well-being into their lives is impressive. Their personalities, knowledge, and genuine empathy make them a dynamic duo and the perfect team to learn from and work with.
 Limor Mojdehiazad, Esq.



 Hi, My name is Alina
I discovered strength and healing through meditation 15 years ago, when I suffered from anxiety and panic attacks while practicing law. Meditation was, for me, the only salvation that helped me regain my inner strength, to feel a clear mind, vitality, and determination for my own life and career.

I'm an attorney like you, a psychologist, a master in Clinical Psychology and Hypnosis, Co-founder of eLAWvation, co-author of the books "Different and Unique" and "More Than a Lawyer". Certified as "Satir Coaching and Mentoring Specialist" by Virginia Satir USA, NLP Master,  integrative psychotherapy, yoga teacher, and nutritionist.

Today, together with my twin sister, Andreea, we help lawyers around the world to work in an exceptional state of mind, earning the money they deserve, and feeling rewarded for their efforts. 

I am here for you on this journey and transition to another level in your personal and professional life.
Contact us for more information:

Build your stamina and succeed in these transformational times.